Sunday, August 8, 2010

Really happy

I'm mostly very happy with my life. I'm enjoying The Ferret House -- even if the hours I've spent watching HGTV are nothing compared to actually *doing* the actual work.
I'm looking forward to returning to the classroom - even if I'm very suspicious and unhappy about how this event occurred.
I love my family very much -- even though I'm concerned that my young cousins are turning into brats and I don't know what to do about it. Is it just there age? Is it parenting? and how do I not make the same mistakes? Should I broach the subject or just let them become people I don't like?
I love my boyfriend -- even though I wish he lived closer and we could be together most days instead of just the weekends.
We met on-line, which is something I used to be embarrassed about. I had this idea that only desperate people, losers, ugly people, people that lived in their parent's basement used on line dating. But over the last year, I've given this up. I no longer say "a friend of a friend" set us up, as I used to do. I proclaim "We met online!" I'm happy to be a poster couple for this kind of relationship.
But-- tonight - I'm wishing that I set my mile parameters much shorter. I'm wishing we lived close enough for daily visits as opposed to weekly.
Very wishful tonight.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

To be Amish or not to be?

There is something about me that is so attracted to the Amish, Memonite, Huterite and Conservative Jewish Cultures.
It has nothing to do with religious believes as I'm sure I don't share the beliefs, but there is something about the routine, fellowship -- and absolutism that appeals to me.
I would be the first woman to freak out if RFR said "you can't" do something -- but the idea of societal prescribed norms for men and woman are less offensive to me. I'm not sure why.
The idea of what my role was, what my day looks like, who I was -- is really appealing to me.
I think this is really un-Feminist of me, but still true. Nonetheless.

Friday, April 16, 2010

oh my

so, when I started looking to buy a home, I knew I needed a down payment. I had no idea of ALL the other expenses involved in buying a home. The inspection, tomorrow, is $299. The appraisal of the home that isn't even yet mine -- $495. Yikes.
All told, there are about $10,000 worth of "extra" fees involved in buying one's dream house.
Good thing I'm rich.